Northern Cooperative Meat Company

Stop. Collaborate and Question.

1 min read

In planning for issue 8 of Rare Medium's seasonal emagazine, our guest chef editor Clayton Wells expressed frustration with his inability to source certain cuts and particularly offal from his suppliers – a challenge not unique to him – and wanted to understand why this is the case.

It’s not a simple answer – but it’s also one that doesn’t have to be definitive.


The Northern Cooperative Meat Company is Australia's largest cooperative-owned abattoir, with approximately a thousand farmer shareholders. They process around six thousand head of cattle per week, primarily sourced locally, and are dedicated to returning profits and ownership to the producers.

Community and Workforce Impact

The NCMC plays a vital role in the local community, employing roughly a thousand people. They engage in unique and customized processes to meet customer demands, right from the supply chain down to the restaurants. Communication with foreign markets is also crucial for exploring different products.

Animal Welfare and End Product Quality

The NCMC distinguishes itself by working cattle with dogs and horses instead of motorized vehicles, which minimizes stress on the animals. This approach significantly impacts the flavor and quality of the meat, highlighting the importance of animal temperament and handling.

Maintaining Low-Stress Handling

Stress-free handling continues at the NCMC, where animals are kept in their groups, handled by well-trained stockmen, and provided access to fresh water. They follow the Temple Grandin process, ensuring low-stress conditions that result in a superior meat product.

Quality Assessment

The NCMC employs qualified meat assessors to evaluate meat quality through parameters like meat and fat color, PH readings, and eye muscle area. These assessments are crucial in maintaining the eating quality of the meat.

Australia has a strict traceability system in place. All animals are tagged with NLIS devices and accompanied by a national vendor declaration when sent to the abattoir. This system ensures full traceability from the farm to the final product, meeting consumer demands for transparency.